Welcome to my website. This is where I bring together my biggest passions in life; art and design... I hope you enjoy my work. - Matt =)

A tutorial explaining the pros and cons of the four main methods of adding CSS to HTML

ALWAYS use top margin when spacing block-level elements in CSS layouts. Read more to find out why.

A house plan that responds to the width of your browser window

如何提高在外国网站下载软件或文件的速度 - CSDN博客:2021-9-5 · 大三刚开学的时候,为了学习Linux操作系统,决定下载个Linux虚拟机,于是我就到了VWware-workstation官网下载,一看一个500M的软件下完需要一天多的时间。。。想到这就没耐心了。大家都知道在本地的浏览器访问外国网站下载软件网速会受到 ...

Introducing an awesome fractal drawing tool by Toby Schachman: recursivedrawing.com

手机APP程式中有软件浏览外国网站的吗?请介绍一下有那 ...:3条回答:【推荐答案】目前试用有200M的,下载pc版或手机手动配置一下就行了现在用的是云末加速,不限制流量,有使用教程的

A free iPad optimised website layout that changes design when the device is rotated

CSS Starbursts
How to make starbursts without images: a CSS3 tutorial

Horizontally Centred Drop-Down Menus
A detailed article explaining how to add drop-down submenus to my centered menus

电脑怎么浏览国外网站:2021-6-13 · 用VPN.在我的百度空间有一款,你看看,个人一直在用,速度不错,有6个IP可选,建议先不买,免费用用先,好的再买.包年的话会比包月划算好多,电脑,手机IPHONE,上Facebook,推特等国外网站或者国外游戏服务器加速都可伍了上.当然免费的也可伍用到手机上的.呵呵
A neat CSS trick that turns ordinary images into a fuzzy, pixelated CRT screen

Exploring web typography: An experimental CSS hover layout
An experimental website layout using the CSS hover pseudo-class and plain XHTML

An animated Reddit alien logo I created from pure CSS and text

Microformats: For better SEO and the Semantic Web
Commentary on the latest developments in Microformats and their adoption by Google

Puffin浏览器下载_Puffin浏览器安卓版下载_世界奇闻下载网:2021-6-8 · Puffin浏览器是一款非常新奇的浏览器。相比国内大多数浏览器,它拥有自动翻墙的特点,可伍帮助用户在没有使用加速器的情况下,进行YouTube、Twitter等外国网站的连接。另外该浏览器拥有自己独特的播放器,为大家实现快速的播放功能。多国语言的设置,包含中文,也让国内的朋友可伍轻松使用。
If your launching a brand new website that no-one knows about yet then try these great indexing tips

Optimise your 'home tab' text for better SEO
This is a great little SEO trick for your navigation bar that will work for almost every website and particularly larger websites

Equal Height Columns with Cross-Browser CSS
A step by step tutorial explaining how to create multicolumn layouts with divs and CSS where every column is the same height

如何能浏览国外的网站? _网络资源_互联网_网络 ...-天涯社区:2021-10-11 · 想浏览国外网站,无论手机端和PC端都需要VPN支持。这时候需要有VPN软件才行,免费的都渣,收费的好用的也不多。目前最好用的是一款软件是逐影VPN ,效果相当不错!

Horizontally Centered Menus with no CSS hacks
A simple cross-browser method of centering tabbed menus with pure CSS and no hacks.

'Split Page' 3 column CSS liquid-layout
An unusual web page design that is the inverse of the Holy Grail liquid-layout.

Converting a liquid-layout to fixed-width with CSS
A simple CSS tutorial showing how to change between fixed-width and liquid-layouts with the use of a container div

Ultimate multi-column liquid layouts
A new series of solid layouts that use pixel and em widths for columns. SEO friendly. No CSS hacks. Free for anyone to use.

Print out your own MacBook Air
Can't afford a MacBook Air? Print out one for free!

A simple way to use clean rewritten URLs directly from posted forms without JavaScript

Environmentally friendly Christmas lights that are fun and interactive